FastShareMem is a very lightweight memory manager for Delphi that was designed to replace the default memory manager that required the inclusion of a dll with applications. However, due to the addition of unicode support to Delphi 2009/2010, the include is no longer compatible with dlls compiled with older versions of Delphi using it. So I’ve written a copy that that will work in Delphi 2009/2010 and still is compatible with the older versions. Due take in mind this version of the include isn’t written for older versions of Delphi. For an older version use the original you can find here:
unit FastShareMem; // By Frederic Hannes ( // Based on FastShareMem by Emil M. Santos ( interface var GetAllocMemCount: function: Integer; GetAllocMemSize: function: Integer; implementation uses Windows; const ClassName = '_com.codexterity.fastsharemem.dataclass'; type TFastShareMem = record MemoryManager: TMemoryManagerEx; _GetAllocMemSize: function: Integer; _GetAllocMemCount: function: Integer; end; function _GetAllocMemCount: Integer; var State: TMemoryManagerState; i: Integer; begin GetMemoryManagerState(State); Result := 0; for i := 0 to High(State.SmallBlockTypeStates) do Inc(Result, State.SmallBlockTypeStates[i].AllocatedBlockCount); Inc(Result, State.AllocatedMediumBlockCount + State.AllocatedLargeBlockCount); end; function _GetAllocMemSize: Integer; var State: TMemoryManagerState; i: Integer; begin GetMemoryManagerState(State); Result := 0; for i := 0 to High(State.SmallBlockTypeStates) do Inc(Result, State.SmallBlockTypeStates[i].AllocatedBlockCount * State.SmallBlockTypeStates[i].UseableBlockSize); Inc(Result, State.TotalAllocatedMediumBlockSize + State.TotalAllocatedLargeBlockSize); end; var wc: TWndClassA; IsHost: Boolean; ShareMem: TFastShareMem; initialization if not GetClassInfoA(HInstance, ClassName, wc) then begin GetMemoryManager(ShareMem.MemoryManager); ShareMem._GetAllocMemCount := @_GetAllocMemCount; ShareMem._GetAllocMemSize := @_GetAllocMemSize; GetAllocMemCount := @_GetAllocMemCount; GetAllocMemSize := @_GetAllocMemSize; FillChar(wc, SizeOf(wc), 0); wc.lpszClassName := ClassName; := CS_GLOBALCLASS; wc.hInstance := HInstance; wc.lpfnWndProc := @ShareMem; if RegisterClassA(wc) = 0 then begin MessageBox(0, 'Shared Memory Allocator setup failed: Cannot register class.', 'FastShareMem', 0); Halt; end; IsHost := True; end else begin SetMemoryManager(TFastShareMem(wc.lpfnWndProc^).MemoryManager); GetAllocMemCount := TFastShareMem(wc.lpfnWndProc^)._GetAllocMemCount; GetAllocMemSize := TFastShareMem(wc.lpfnWndProc^)._GetAllocMemSize; IsHost := False; end; finalization if IsHost then UnregisterClassA(ClassName, HInstance); end.