This is a really basic commandline brainfuck interpreter, it’s not written for speed or performance, it just shows you how a brainfuck interpreter should work. Of course you can speed it up by converting the code to a form of bytecode, working with pointers or even convert it to machine code.
program Brainfuck; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Classes; const ARRAY_SIZE = 30000; type TBFEngine = class private FScript: TStrings; FCompiled: AnsiString; FArr: array of Byte; FIndex: Integer; procedure Compile; procedure ClearArray; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Run; property Script: TStrings read FScript; end; { TBFEngine } procedure TBFEngine.ClearArray; var i, l: Integer; begin l := Length(FArr); for i := 0 to l - 1 do FArr[i] := 0; end; procedure TBFEngine.Compile; var i, l: Integer; begin l := Length(FScript.Text); FCompiled := ''; for i := 1 to l do if FScript.Text[i] in ['>', '<', '+', '-', '.', ',', '[', ']'] then FCompiled := FCompiled + FScript.Text[i]; end; constructor TBFEngine.Create; begin FScript := TStringList.Create; SetLength(FArr, ARRAY_SIZE); end; destructor TBFEngine.Destroy; begin FScript.Free; end; procedure TBFEngine.Run; var c: AnsiChar; i, j, l, t: Integer; begin Compile; ClearArray; t := 0; FIndex := 0; l := Length(FCompiled); i := 1; while i <= l do begin case FCompiled[i] of '>': if FIndex <> (ARRAY_SIZE - 1) then Inc(FIndex); '<': if FIndex <> 0 then Dec(FIndex); '+': Inc(FArr[FIndex]); '-': Dec(FArr[FIndex]); '.': Write(Chr(FArr[FIndex])); ',': Read(FArr[FIndex]); '[': if not Boolean(FArr[FIndex]) then for j := i + 1 to l do begin c := FCompiled[j]; if c = '[' then Inc(t) else if c = ']' then if t <> 0 then Dec(t) else begin i := j; Break; end; end; ']': if Boolean(FArr[FIndex]) then for j := i - 1 downto 1 do begin c := FCompiled[j]; if c = ']' then Inc(t) else if c = '[' then if t <> 0 then Dec(t) else begin i := j; Break; end; end; end; Inc(i); end; end; var Engine: TBFEngine; begin if ParamCount = 1 then begin Engine := TBFEngine.Create; Engine.Script.LoadFromFile(ParamStr(1)); Engine.Run; Engine.Free; end; end.
Hello world in brainfuck: